Toont alle 49 resultaten
50mm Caps. Puzzlemix
Newgreat way to spend hours figuring out the puzzle.
multiple different puzzles, collect them all.
57mm Caps. 3D printed animals
Newreal alive looking animals created by a 3D printer.
collect them all!!
57mm Caps. 3D printed Fidgets
Newgreat looking 3D printed fidgets. Be amazed how they fit in eachother.
60mm Selfvending Spaceball
NewSuper bounce selfvending space ball.
In cool camouflage colors.
Tightly wrapped in plastic to secure a good vend.
50mm Acrylisaurus
Newdifferent dinosaurs in different colors. Made out of hard plastic.
great to play with or to display them.
50mm Softie monsters
Newcompress them, squash them and they will go back to original shape.
Selfvending Fidgetgearball with light
50 mmreally cool fidget gearball. Twist and see how shape changes. With light.
50mm 3D Cube
50 mm3D Cube
filled with lots of different characters.
Squishy and sticky.
50mm Animal skeleton bracelet
NewAnimal skeleton bracelet.
stretch ‘m…play and wear it as a bracelet.
50mm Crystal squishy animals
NewCrystal squishy world. Packed in a 50mm capsule.
Stretchy, squeezy and sticky!
collect them all
50mm Double sticky grabbers
Newsticky double grabber
stretch and let it stick
packed in a 50mm capsule
50mm Eye popper glitter
NewEye popper glitter.
Squeeze and let the eyes pop out.
10 different characters, collect them all.
50mm Squishy insects
NewSquish, squash and stretch the insects.
many different insects.
packed in a 50mm capsule
50mm Squishy world
NewSquishy world in a 50mm capsule.
Stretchy and squeezy. Many different animals.
Collect them all.
52mm Softies in Tin
NewSofties in tin.
Collectable tin capsules. 8 different characters.
The solution to reduce the plastic.
57mm Peek a Boo Sea Animals
57 mmGreat sealife Peek a Boo animals. Squeeze and they pop out.
packed in a 57mm capsule.
collect them all!!
57mm Glitter Cube
57 mmGlitter Cube, Squueze and squash them.
Glittery and fun to play with.
57mm Flashy Malz (with light)
57 mmFlashy malz
friends that are sticky and give a bright light.
collect them all!
57mm Tie-Dye eggs
NewTie dye eggs.
squeeze…stretch…squash the eggs
packed in a 57mm capsule
57mm Wind up teeth
NewWind up teeth
Wind them up and let them jump around.
packed in 57mm capsule
50mm Lucky shot
50 mmLucky shot
Sling shot.
Packed in a 50mm capsule.
1 catapult with 2 shooters in capsule.
57mm Peek a boo
Pop outPeek a Boo.
squeeze and let the animal pop out.
Collect them all!!
57mm Squishy air ocean animals
57 mmSquishy air ocean animals
squeeze and stretch
filled with air
57mm Race me pullback car
57 mmRace me pullback car
pull the car back and let it race
made of tin.
57mm Squishy air wrestlers
Air filledSquishy air wrestlers
squeeze them….squish them
filled with air.
50mm Squishy Sealife series 2
50 mmCute squishy sealife animals.
packed in a 50mm capsule.
collect them all!!
50mm Puppy mania
50 mmPuppy mania
cute puppy’s
many different puppy’s
collect them and play
50mm Soccer spinner
50 mmSelf Vending Soccer Spinner – No capsule needed.
Spin them between your fingertips
50mm Shoe Palz
50 mmShoe Palz
decorate your shoelaces
4 different shoe palz in a capsule
collect them all!!
50mm Squishy meshball mix
50 mmSquishy meshballl mix,
with some glitter and glow in the dark
squish them
50mm Pom Pom colored hairband
50 mmPom Pom colored hairband
for hair and wrist.
different colors
50mm Pullback Animals
50 mmPullback Animals
Different animal designs, pull back & play.
50mm Street Beanz
50 mm1 bag with 2 Street Beanz inside each capsule
50 different beanz to collect
50mm Puppy Eraser penciltoppers
50 mmCollect all Puppy Eraser Pencil toppers
Also available in bulk
50mm Unicorn tins + figurine
50 mmA litte Unicorn in each tin.
Cute & Squishy.
Collect them all.
2 sided displaycard
50mm Ear Gags
50 mm12 gags to collect
With hook over your ears.
Double side displaycard
Ask for special quote for MOQ 14.000 pieces
45mm Self Vending Puzzle Ball
45 mmCollect all 3 Puzzle Balls
Selfvending, no capsule needed!!
55 mm Emoji softtoy dangler
55 mmEmoji softtoy dangler
soft pluch emoji
with loop.
many different emoji’s
Empty capsules 45×50 mm / 55×50 mm
Empty capsules
45×50 mm – packed per 2000 pcs
55×50 mm – packed per 1900 pcs